
An unhealthy mix of knife-throwing, a rebellious computer and lots of bad ideas.
“Us” is an insight into the daily lives of two unique Homo Sapiens Idioticus. Partners in Crime who like to seek danger, preferably with knives, lots of knives…. Their natural habitat is a small, unsafe universe where something could fall at any moment. A combination of skill, technology, and a touch of comedy.
Far from the classic image of the knife thrower and his assistant, they are still looking for the danger and excitement that we all love about classical circus. A contemporary circus performance full of technology with traditional touches of juggling, slapstick, Japanese cooking, flairtending and magic…

The duo has developed a third player: the structure. 100 objects are hung from the structure that can fall at any time, all controlled by a computer and one single red button. For this, they have developed their own system and software. All the theatrical effects are completely controlled by the actors from the stage.
“US” by Company Midnight (Belgium) is a collaboration between circus artists Joris Verbeeren and Simone Scaini. For this show, they drew inspiration from their daily lives and their shared passions. Simone is an acrobat and Joris a juggler. For this show, they delved into the world of knife-throwing and spent 3 years exploring and innovating this traditional circus technique.

Friday, August 16 at 20:30 – FREE TICKETS
Saturday, August 17 at 16:00 – FREE TICKETS
Where: Rīgas cirks backyard, Merķeļa Street 4, Riga
Age: All ages
Duration of the show: 45 min


–  in a wheelchair
–  for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing.

FREE ENTRANCE (free tickets or festival pass needed)

By attending this show, you agree:

– to be photographed and/or filmed,
– to give permission to use your likeness in promotional and/or marketing materials.

The performance at the RE RIGA! festival is supported by